The Emotional Plight of Infertility: The Strains on Intimacy

***T H E  S T R A I N S  O N  I N T I M A C Y***

Welcome back! We hope you are learning a lot this week and we hope you are starting to realize that You Are Not Alone.?

In the magazine “Inside Medicine,” Dr. D writes about the strains on intimacy that can come as a result of a couple’s plight with infertility…

“During a couple’s struggle with infertility, it is very common to see sex become a chore rather than a show of intimacy. The mental association that a woman may develop between sex and failure may make it to where she is only interested in sex around the time of ovulation.

Conversely, misconceptions about the optimal frequency and timing of intercourse in order to conceive often results in couples having intercourse much more frequently than is even enjoyable for either of them.”

So there you have it. If you’ve been feeling this way, know that you are not alone. It is very common to have these struggles and there are so many other couples who are going through the exact same thing.

In fact, tomorrow we will discuss how common it really is, how many other couples are going through this, and what realistic expectations truly are when a couple is determining how soon they should conceive.

?Join us here tomorrow to learn more about *Misdirected Expectations.