IVF or Tubal Reversal?

Tubal Reversal vs. IVF…Which is right for me?

Robotic tubal reversal, also called Reanastomosis, is a procedure for women who have had their tubes tied but now desire to conceive. So which is the right option? Should you keep your tubes tied and proceed with IVF (in vitro fertilization) in order to become pregnant, or should you have a tubal reversal instead? There are so many factors that go into the decision.

Certain things to consider are:

-Patient age

-Amount of good tube left

-Insurance coverage

-History of tubal disease

-Known pelvic scar tissue

-Future fertility plans

-Type of tubal ligation performed

-Other indications for IVF

Dr. Davenport believes strongly that each patient who has had a tubal ligation should be individualized when deciding the best method to conceive. We encourage you to find as much information as possible (including obtaining an operative report from the surgeon who tied your tubes) prior to your consultation.