Can Folic Acid Affect the Ability to Get Pregnant?

You’ve asked and Dr. D answered!

?“Can folic acid absorption affect the ability to get or stay pregnant?”

Got a question for Dr. D? Let us know!

#AskDrD #FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

“Sometimes miracles take a little time.” ?

“Sometimes miracles take a little time.” ?
Sending out a huge thanks to our sweet patient for this framed photo! We are so blessed to have been part of your journey.

FINA’s mission is to meet each patient with transparency and compassion at the unique place where they are in their fertility journey and to offer the most up-to-date and effective treatment options available.

Call 256-217-9613 to schedule your consultation today!

#FINAbaby #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies#HuntsvilleReproductiveDoctor
?Chelsie Lee Photography

What’s in the name?

Did you know that FINA, though it is also an acronym, has a deeper meaning?

In Hebrew, the name FINA means “He shall add”. That is exactly what we are about at Fertility Institute of North Alabama (FINA). 

Dr. Davenport and his staff use the most current resources, scientific knowledge, and technology available to make sure that you optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Ultimately we believe that it is God that will add to any family, and we can confidently give thanks for every pregnancy in which we are privileged to assist.?

#FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

Meet Dr. D

Have you met Dr. Davenport, or as we call him, Dr. D?

Dr. D moved to Huntsville in 2014 with his wife Kelly and four children. A native of Memphis, Tennessee, he received his undergraduate degree from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, and attended medical school at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. He then successfully completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Tennessee, followed by a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont.

Dr. Davenport is a skilled surgeon, excelling in robotic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, and hysteroscopic surgery. He is the only reproductive endocrinologist in North Alabama who performs robotic tubal reanastomosis, and also the only REI in the region to perform testicular sperm aspiration/extraction for vasectomized/obstructed males prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

He has been actively involved in clinical research and has also authored several publications. Dr. Davenport has a love for teaching and lecturing.?

But the most special thing about Dr. D?

He is passionate about providing excellent patient care, and is committed to providing the most state-of-the-art solutions in all aspects of infertility and reproductive endocrinology.

Dr. D understands that infertility and hormonal imbalances are some of the most emotionally, spiritually, and mentally consuming issues that an individual or couple may face, and most patients appreciate his compassionate yet candid approach to problem solving.❤️

#meetDrD #FINA #HelpingFamiliesBuildFamilies

The Emotional Plight of Infertility: We Have to Help Each Other

***W E  H A V E  T O  H E L P  E A C H O T H E R!***

Welcome back to Day 5! Today we are going to give you some practical tips that can help you stay mentally strong.

1️⃣ Know that it is normal to have sad and disappointed feelings. This is not something to feel guilty about, but rather a normal response to a real problem. Allow yourself to express your emotions.

2️⃣ Getting mentally connected and understood is a huge step toward healthy coping. Find a friend to confide in. If you have not yet told anybody but your partner about your struggle, you need to! Even if that person has not undergone infertility, they are now on the journey with you.

3️⃣ Find a support group. Whether online or locally, this will allow you to hear of what other couples are going through or went through and will validate your emotions. It will make you feel less isolated and will empower you with knowledge.

4️⃣ Journaling. This has been shown to provide clarity of thought as to what you are feeling. It will allow you to understand yourself even more.

5️⃣ Exercise. If you do not already have one, pick up a regular exercise routine. You will find that your hyper-focus on fertility can be re-directed toward a workout, and your stress greatly reduced as a byproduct.

Technology has come a long way to help couples reach their pregnancy goals so that there is much hope for those struggling. The above are just a few tips that may help couples feel less lonely and endure the emotional roller coaster of infertility. Our infertility clinic is also designed to personally assist you through this tough time. Don’t hesitate to call us at 256-217-9613 if we can help! You can also visit our website at .

Thank you for joining us this week! We hope you learned a lot and that you were able to share with a friend who may be going through these struggles.

The Emotional Plight of Infertility: Misdirected Expectations

***M I S D I R E C T E D  E X P E C T A T I O N S***

Couples commonly have unrealistic expectations about how soon they should conceive. If there is a reason to think that there is a problem, professional help should absolutely be sought. But if there are no physical or historical reasons to explain why fertility may be difficult, where should a couple’s expectations lie? Most couples don’t realize:

 The average couple in their 20’s with no fertility disorder has around a 20% chance of conceiving each month with regular random intercourse in the absence of contraception.

 The overall chances of pregnancy after 1 year of regular random intercourse in the absence of contraception is approximately 80%.

 Infertility is the absence of a pregnancy after 1 year of trying to conceive with regular intercourse in the absence of contraception if you are less than 35 years old.

 If you are 35 years or older, infertility is the absence of pregnancy after only 6 months while still meeting the same criteria above.

 Approximately 10-15% of all couples in the United States struggle with infertility. That’s approximately 1 out of 8 couples!

? Join us back here tomorrow as we wrap up our event with *We Have to Help Each Other!
There is so much hope for those who are struggling. We’ll give you some tips that may help you feel less lonely and help you stay mentally strong on this journey. See you then!


The Emotional Plight of Infertility: The Strains on Intimacy

***T H E  S T R A I N S  O N  I N T I M A C Y***

Welcome back! We hope you are learning a lot this week and we hope you are starting to realize that You Are Not Alone.?

In the magazine “Inside Medicine,” Dr. D writes about the strains on intimacy that can come as a result of a couple’s plight with infertility…

“During a couple’s struggle with infertility, it is very common to see sex become a chore rather than a show of intimacy. The mental association that a woman may develop between sex and failure may make it to where she is only interested in sex around the time of ovulation.

Conversely, misconceptions about the optimal frequency and timing of intercourse in order to conceive often results in couples having intercourse much more frequently than is even enjoyable for either of them.”

So there you have it. If you’ve been feeling this way, know that you are not alone. It is very common to have these struggles and there are so many other couples who are going through the exact same thing.

In fact, tomorrow we will discuss how common it really is, how many other couples are going through this, and what realistic expectations truly are when a couple is determining how soon they should conceive.

?Join us here tomorrow to learn more about *Misdirected Expectations.

The Emotional Plight of Infertility: Reactions of Men vs. Women

***R E A C T I O N S  O F  M E N  V S. W O M E N***

Dr. D shares some general observations from his daily clinical encounters with couples:

“In general, men and women deal with infertility in different ways. It has been shown that women are quicker to become distressed about infertility than their male partner, and often struggle with jealousy when another person around them conceives. My experience supports this data.

Additionally, both men and women tend to have lowered self-esteem if the diagnosis or perception of the problem is related to his/her body, respectively. Men frequently even deny that they could be a contributing factor until it has been demonstrated to them objectively.

All of these differences place a strain on the ability of a couple to empathize with one another appropriately during a time that they desperately need each other’s support.”

As you can see, both men and women are affected emotionally and physically on this journey. Opening the lines of communication, being honest, and supporting each other is such an important part of the fertility journey.

?Join us back here tomorrow as we discuss *The Strains on Intimacy.