The Emotional Plight of Infertility: Misdirected Expectations

***M I S D I R E C T E D  E X P E C T A T I O N S***

Couples commonly have unrealistic expectations about how soon they should conceive. If there is a reason to think that there is a problem, professional help should absolutely be sought. But if there are no physical or historical reasons to explain why fertility may be difficult, where should a couple’s expectations lie? Most couples don’t realize:

 The average couple in their 20’s with no fertility disorder has around a 20% chance of conceiving each month with regular random intercourse in the absence of contraception.

 The overall chances of pregnancy after 1 year of regular random intercourse in the absence of contraception is approximately 80%.

 Infertility is the absence of a pregnancy after 1 year of trying to conceive with regular intercourse in the absence of contraception if you are less than 35 years old.

 If you are 35 years or older, infertility is the absence of pregnancy after only 6 months while still meeting the same criteria above.

 Approximately 10-15% of all couples in the United States struggle with infertility. That’s approximately 1 out of 8 couples!

? Join us back here tomorrow as we wrap up our event with *We Have to Help Each Other!
There is so much hope for those who are struggling. We’ll give you some tips that may help you feel less lonely and help you stay mentally strong on this journey. See you then!